Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pelagic Trip to Los Coronados, Mexico

Fred and I took a Pelagic Birding Trip as part of the San Diego Birding Festival. To Fred's dismay and regret, the bus left at 6AM. According to Webster's pelagic means "of, relating to, or living or occurring in the open sea." With birds, it means birds which spend the greater part of their time at sea. The albatross is an example of a pelagic bird.

Here we are waiting for the boat at Harbor Island. Fred is by the tree, with the blue cap.

A black crowned night heron watches us dubiously. There were five or six of these, that we saw, as we walked onto the dock.

Downtown San Diego, from the boat, through the fog. The sun is trying to burn the fog off, and eventually succeeded. We had a beautiful day despite the earlier dismal forecasts.

Sea lion. Our guides told us that the sea lions do this to cool off. Looks like fun.

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