Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Our first couple days

It's so beautiful here; we got into town Sunday night, picked up the rental car (we were forced to take a PT Cruiser convertible, it was all they had at the rental car agency) and headed right to Balboa Park, five minutes away, to catch most of the free outdoor organ concert. The weather was beautiful; people were actually in shorts! The next morning, Fred actually joined me for the sunrise walk. Above, a fisherman makes his predawn passage to the ocean from the bay on the channel that goes by our front door. Below, a pelican, like us, greets the dawn.

We joined several others in watching the sunset Monday evening after a perfect day. We got settled into the condo, got our groceries, walked on the boardwalk and the bay and met the neighbors. It's very peaceful here. Tuesday we will go out to Pt. Loma.

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